21 May 2009

Nook-yoo-larr Fam-Lee

I had to laugh at this one, because honey, I hear ya!

Only I don't think ours involved tequila shots.

My boys: 14 and 4 months. There is such a wide range of needs here, and the parental challenges are kept in constant flux. The Eldest, who will be 15 and starting driver's training next month, is very seriously in the throes of pushing and pulling. And The Youngest just learned to roll over for the first time 3 days ago.

When The Eldest was still The Blissed-out Only, rude people would often make comments about "not being a real parent till you have at least 2 kids" and "when are you going to give him a sibling?" I suppose that all has to do with parenting through sibling rivalry, ridiculous arguments, and general craziness that comes with multiple kids. I say, to those people too rude to realize they're being rude:

Point #1. 4 miscarriages, now shut the hell up.

Point #2. You're truly not a real parent until you parent at both ends of spectrum in one day. It's easy to parent 2 or 3 kids who's needs are only a couple years apart...Are you able to go from infant to teen in the blink of an eye? Cuz I can.

This Thing Called Blog

I am sooo bad! Have such a hard time remembering to do this. But, am working on developing habit, and on blogging today a la Brigitte Jones (VVG).

31 March 2009

I'm Here!

Yes, I've been out of the blogosphere for a while - a little over 10 weeks, to be exact. The bambino arrived a mere 2 days after my last post (Jan. 17), and promptly created more chaos.

Now, I'm back to work and feeling my way through the new variances in our schedule - namely, day care and track practice for Thing 2 and Thing 1, respectively. And, I'm diving in to the following:

* Volunteering at our women's shelter - picking that back up. We're in need of volunteers, too, so I hate to give that up! I'm hoping to serve on the board as well, come May...will keep you posted on that!

* Losing the PG weight. OK, I'll have to be honest here - I never fully lost it from the first pregnancy FOURTEEN YEARS AGO. So, I'm working on that, rather successfully if I do say so myself! I've got about 15-20 more lbs to go.

* Training for the Canal Run. Ten miles, something I've wanted to do for ages, but never got off my butt to do. So now I'm gonna.

* Starting the karate club - we're in the throes of organizing, and hoping to begin offering classes next fall semester!

Busy me! But, there are too many things that I've wanted to do in life that I've been putting off for far too long. So, here I go!